May 25, 2009


First time received order from Putarajaya's residents...walaupon duduk di Putrajaya..this was my first time..normally I received order from other area and they asked to deliver to Putarajaya..this time memang btol2 org Putrajaya...hehehhe..senang..easy as tak payah nk pikir pickpoint to deliver the cupcake..I memang tak promote the cupcake to jiran2 lagi..memang tak sempat after this kena fikir mcm mana nk promote ke kawasan sekitar...hmm..kena pikir time gak la...

This set actually she ordered for her sis...her sis maybe nak beri pada her gf sempena convocation di UIA...she requested to be some Green colour in the cc and ade tulis UIA..ade pape logo convocation...


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